Mr. Pool Leak Repair

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My Pool Loses Water Every Day, Is This Normal?

Water Loss
Water Loss

You may have noticed that the water level in your pool was low when you stepped out on your deck today. Did you hear the skimmer gurgling while laying in your lounge chair or napping? You are not alone. Many pool owners experience this water loss problem. The question is, does your pool lose water each day due to normal evaporation, or is it a leak in the pool? The evaporation rate, a key factor in water loss, can be affected by sun, wind, and humidity. It also depends on the surface area and the temperature difference between air and water. Pools in El Paso, which has a dry and windy climate, will evaporate more quickly than pools in Dallas, contributing to faster water loss. If your pool is heated in the winter, you will lose even more water due to evaporation.

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How Much Water Loss in a Swimming Pool is Normal?

The amount of water you lose can be wildly different depending on whether it is a rainy, wet period or a dry one. Your pool contains between 18,000 and 20,000 gallons. In a dry climate, inground pools may lose up to 120 gallons per day due to evaporation. A loss of water can lead to a high municipal water bill, or cause your pump in your well to work harder.

It’s only natural that you would want to ensure no water has escaped from your pool. Turn off any pool features that could cause additional evaporation. You may notice an increase in evaporation if you have recently changed the landscaping surrounding your pool. Fences and shrubs will protect your pool against windy conditions which can lead to faster evaporation. You can save water by adding a screen to block the sun’s rays. Here are some scenarios that can cause water to be lost.

1. The pool loses water all day

As weather patterns change, it can be hard to detect pool leaks. Evening thunderstorms can affect the water level in your pool. Pool chemicals like chlorine often evaporate rapidly. Stabilizers can be added to the pool water to help keep chemicals from escaping. If your pool is losing more than 1/4 inch in a humid climate and 1/2 inch in a drier one, then you may have a leak. To determine if your pool leaks, you should use the test provided at the end.

2. Pool Loses Water Overnight

During the swimming season, the amount of water that evaporates overnight from your pool can change. Even though the days may be warm enough to swim, cool nights can lower your pool’s temperature. Your pool will warm up and evaporate more water if you use a heating device. Your pool will evaporate faster as the air in summer stays warm over night. Covering your pool can prevent water and heat from escaping.

3. The pool is losing water when the pump is off

You might have a leak in your pool if the level of your pool drops more than 1/4 to 1/2″ per day after you turn off the pump system. It is possible that the leak is in the pool structure or the suction system of the pumping system. On the intake side, check around your drains, skimmers, piping and fittings.

4. The pool is losing water when the pump is on

Your pool structure may not be to blame if your water level drops only when the pump is running. Check the components and piping on the pressure side. Leaks are often subtle. Look for puddles and ground that appear wetter.

5. The pool loses water in the winter

Evaporation will be reduced if you keep your pool heated in the winter and during cooler times of the year. Covering your pool is a good idea when not in use. If you’re not planning to swim, lower the thermostat to reduce the amount of water evaporating from your pool during the winter.

6. The pool is losing 1 inch of water per day

If you lose more than 1/2 inch of pool water each day, it is likely that there is a leak somewhere in the pool structure or pump system. Call your pool service to have a leak inspected thoroughly. At this stage, you may not be able keep up with the refilling of your pool. If the pump system is damaged by air entering the system from the skimmer, it could be because the system has begun to absorb the air. Your pool could even be pushed out of the ground by water leaking from the pool.

7. Pool Is Losing Water After Frequent Use

It’s possible that you are losing water simply because you use your pool more. Splashing can cause water to splash onto your deck or into the air. You might not have a problem if you notice the drop in water after only a week will lose water if your filtration system needs backwashing. You or your pool company have you switched to a more frequent schedule of backwashing? It’s time to replace the filter.

Common areas where your pool might be leaking

There are a few common places to check for leaks.

Skimmer. Skimmer. The pool skimmer can be a suspect in pool leaks. Damage to the skimmer material can occur. The area where the skimmer is attached to the pool may begin to leak. The piping that exits the skimmer may also develop a leak. All these areas should be checked first.

Return Piping. The return piping of your pool is another place where leaks may begin. Underground piping is difficult to reach. Look for any soft, swollen areas on the ground that could be caused by leaks.

Main Drain. Main Drain. A main drain leak can be difficult to find and repair because it is located at the bottom of your deepest pool. Contact your pool builder to determine if the main drain is leaking.

Pool Jets and Lights. Your pool’s structure can leak if there are any openings. Your pool jets and lights may not be watertight. You can have your pool service company help you determine any issues and reseal the fixtures.

Structure of the Pool. It is easy to find a leak within the pool structure. It can be very easy or very difficult. Visual inspections of surfaces or tiles can reveal some leaks. Some leaks will require a dye-test. You can get some advice and products from your pool supply store. It may be a good idea to hire a pool renovation service to fix or resurface an old pool.

What to do if you think your pool is leaking

Here’s what to do if you suspect that your pool is losing its water not due to evaporation but because of a leak.

  1. If you have an auto-fill system, turn it off.
  2. Switch off the pool pump
  3. Fill your pool up to the correct level
  4. Mark the water level of the pool on the skimmer
  5. Fill the bucket to near the top
  6. Mark the bucket level
  7. Put the bucket at the first step of your pool
  8. Check the water level after 24 hours
  9. Take Notes
  10. Repeat the test and refill the pump with it running continuously.

You’re likely losing water through evaporation if your bucket and pool both go down by the same amount. You may have a leak in your pool if the water level in the bucket is lower than that of the pool. If you have a structural or suction-side plumbing leak, and the water level dropped with the system turned off, then there is a possibility of a pool leak. If you only see water loss when your pool is running, it could be a pressure side plumbing leak.

Call Mr. Pool Leak Repair if your pool is losing water

It’s best to consult the experts if your bucket test results are not conclusive or indicate a leak. Our certified technicians can determine if the water loss in your pool is due to evaporation, or a leak. Do not assume that the excessive water loss in your pool is caused by splashing, evaporation or any other factor. Long-term, you’ll waste water and lose money. Our pool technicians are trained to find and fix even the smallest leaks. Call Mr Pool Leak Repair to schedule your leak inspection.

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